A backstep, and what a huge one!

User Rating: 4 | Assassin's Creed Syndicate XONE

Sadly, Ac Syndicate wasn´t as close as good as its predecessor, AC Unity. The open world doesnt feel alive anymore, and the parcour mechanics really kill the fast and smooth system we had in Unity. But besides that, even worse face acting (no idea if you can call that, idk...) and a romance that was, well...not built up properly, the biggest flaw of this game is its story. Its lame, boring, and so long and tiring, that i couldnt await the ending. The antagonist always seemed scary, but was a joke really. Except a few cutscenes, we barely got anything in the present, which was fine with me...

In total, this game was a disappointment, even though the combat was a real treat!