Huh...what to say

User Rating: 8 | Asura's Wrath X360
i can honestly say, i have never played something like this before. i could say this game sucks, or it its great, and wouldn't miss either way.

the thing is, you need to respect the guts this team had, to invent something completely different. this really...isn't a game, there are no levels, no usual 'map' progression. instead, you have episodes. yes, that's right, episodes, with the intro, and ending credits, the works. and its like a season of a show. and its all series of quick time events, with a bit off actually fighting here and there, but only against 'normal' enemies, that are basically fodder to asura's wrath.

since the team threw all that aside, you can be 100% sure, they needed something special about the game, and its the story. it really holds this game high. combined with outrages battles, you are guaranteed to have fun.

one thing i didn't understand, is...what exactly are these demigods. are they aliens, robots? bcz at more then 1 occasion, asura loses both of his arms, and you can see circuits and conduits, torn, buzzing with power. hm, perhaps it just would've been too gory to have had blood and meat hanging off :D

anyway, i recommend this game, its actually quite a perfect rental. but don't let that stop you from buying it, bcz this game is truly unique, and its a perfect addition to a gamers collection.

ps. best achievement i ever got, for starring at the boobs of this...rather gifted girl. 'view of the valley' - some hilarious moments as well