This Game is something unique. Something that any other game will not give you. Its truly an amazing adventure.

User Rating: 10 | Asura's Wrath PS3
This game was one of the games i was so hyped to buy for my ps3. I saw reviews on the internet that it was not that great as the trailer showed it to be, but that not right ! This game is awesome in every way. And come on, most games these days are one and the same thing, fight go to boss , cutscene and so on. But this game tries to be something different and people start giving it a bad name ? This game is awesome, the cut scene's are great, the graphic also and dont let me get started for the soundtrack. Its a unique experience that will keep you wanting more. Yes there are less times where you control your character but its not that bad. The Whole game is like a big quick time event. And also let you feel that you are in the anime and you are part of it. If you like anime you will love this game, and please stop telling its a crappy game, its awesome, unique and worth playing. And a game i will continue revising.