Manage a balanced population over hard winter seasons

User Rating: 10 | Banished PC
Amazing game. Challenging but very satisfying when I reach a larger population satisfied and healthy. Unfortunately, I did not have more than 30 inhabitants for one whole year because they starved to death. If not starvation, old age, so I have to make sure that they are replaced by studied children with enough tools. I must not forget the exhaustible resources and the constant refueling and clothing. I must not omit any area, stability must be found. And that's what the game is about. A relax with thinking. You can choose speeds of 1, 2, 5 and 10x. On top of that, there are statistics and an overview of people, age, gender, children, occupation, health and satisfaction. The map is small, medium and large, the difference is in the number of natural resources. There are different climates and valleys or mountainous areas. Only mines can be built in the mountains. Three initial settings, hard- a few people with a carriage, normal- more people with a barn, easy- dwellings, even more people and a barn. I don't know if the game has a final goal, but steam rewards are certainly present.