An Outstanding Sequel, And One Of The Best Games Of All Time.

User Rating: 9 | Batman: Arkham City X360
Nothing like a usual day gliding around the city.
Nothing like a usual day gliding around the city.

Who would have thought that Rocksteady could strike lightning twice, well they did. Where do I begin, I guess I'll start with the story mode. First off there are many things that make Arkham City stand out, for instance the environments, witch go from wintery city to grim factory's to underground subways to dark haunting dream sequences. Then there is the atmosphere, witch really transports you to the this memorable world. Then there is the rhythm and pacing, witch are done very well. Finally there is the gameplay, its just as good as it was in the first game here. Another great thing about Arkham City is the open-world, it really gives you a lot of diversity when getting the drop on your enemies, its also well sized so you can have fun just wandering and gliding around the city. That's another thing I really enjoyed about Arkham City, the gliding it is extremely fun to just glide thru the city as well as swooping down from the sky to grab any unlucky goon that happens to get in your way. Also I enjoyed the story, it's not as rich as the first games story but it's still very good. There's a lot more I could say about the story mode, but I'm just going to leave it at that. Now for the challenge maps, they are very fun, I had a blast trying to beat high scores and complete all of challenge map goals. I haven't even scraped the surface yet, but I guess I'll just have to finish my review with this, Arkham City is an amazing game that gets everything right, and is without a doubt one of the greatest games ever. No gamer who loves epic adventure and a well executed story should be without Arkham City.

What are balloons doing hanging over the water... there's something fishy going on here.
What are balloons doing hanging over the water... there's something fishy going on here.