Best game since Red Dead. I refuse to nitpick such a complete game. Developers take note, this is what a game should be

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham City PS3
This and Skyrim are the two titles that I could not do without this year. Usually when I have such high hopes, I am let down tremendously.(see LA Noire and Rage) I expected a ton from Arkham City, and I was not letdown. Arkham Island by itself was a great game. If they would of just modeterly improved on that concept, this game would still be awesome, but Nooooooo! Rocksteady had to do everything bigger, bolder, and more bad@!% Gliding around the city as the Dark Knight is a blast, and the Riddler is as puzzling and entertaining as ever. You can literally spend hours just trying to solve his puzzles. All the infamous villains you would want to see are here,( and a few for us actual comic readers) and the missions are fresh and varied. Challenge maps add huge replay value, and production values are just as high. If you don't like Arkham City than ignore all my reviews, 'cause clearly we have different tastes in games.

Game Modes-10
Production Value-10
Online- N/A
Replay Value- Very High