Batman: Dark Tommorow is just unplayable, and is the worst Batman game ever. Its one of worst superhero games to

User Rating: 2 | Batman: Dark Tomorrow GC
Superhero games, no matter what developers do, i haven't seen a great one yet. With one exception, Batman: Arkham Asylum. That game was awesome.

But, you know, there was one BATMAN game that could've been a great superhero game, There could've been a Batman game that could've been 'The' Batman game until Arkham Asylum came along, that Batman game in question instead turned into a clunky, horrid, poorly-animated, and disastrious game. That was, Batman: Dark Tomorrow.

PROS: Nice cutscenes. Cool-Looking Visuals. Batman looks great.

CONS: Terrible Combat System. Clunky, unresponsive Controls. Characters are poorly animated. The camera angles are dreadful. Terrible Enemy AI. Half of Batmans gadgets are useless. Its filled with gliches.

Dark Tommorow was a game that was meant to have A awesome combat system. An openworld Gothan City, the ablilty to use the Batmobile, Batboat etc. and Was gonna be written by DC comicbook writers. So..what do you think? Sounds great? Well, none of it is there.

Instead, The game is all about Batman sneaking up to some guys behind and knocking them out. But you won't have no problem sneaking up 2 guys and knock him unconsious. Why? Because the AI is BROKEN!! 2 enemies next to eachother, i knock one, the other don't even notice. However, If you face a group of them, or fight the bosses you'll face, they will just rip you a new one.

The Combat is terrible. Your block is pratically useless. And when you fight some bad guys, like, a SQUAD OF THEM!!! Game Over, man. Game Over. Because of the camera angles, they 'fix' you where it messes you up, you'll won't be able to see where your going, and its totally punishing. And you'll be dead before you'll know it.

To put more pain to your injury, the controls! They're just clunky, stiff, and sometimes unresponsive. Jumping is the biggest problem. So you'll be using some of Batmans gadgets, which brings to another Negative, about 1/2 of them are useless. I mean, You're gonna need Bat-graple, Batarang, that kinda stuff. But the rest is useless. Bat-Graple takes a couple of times to work, thanks to some gliches in the game.

Gliches are everywhere in this game, especially the bat-gliding stages, you'll run into invisable walls and die.

So is there anything good? Well, the visuals are impressive, it looks like the Comicbook Batman, which it was trying to recreate. How about Batman, does he look Ok? He looks great. And the cutscenes.The look incredible for 2003, definately The best part of the game. Its just To bad that the characters in the gameplay look terribly animated.

Batman fans, like myself, were very, very, VERY disappointed with it. With the exception of some Visuals, Cutscenes, and Batman himself. The rest of the game is just unplayable. You want a Batman game? Play Arkham Asylum. Because Dark Tommorow is the worst Batman game ever. Its one of worst superhero games to date. I mean, yeah, its not as bad as say, Superman 64, or the simplistic, and derititive Aquaman. The game at least tries to go for something, but its just awful, unplayable, disappointing. I have given a name to my pain, and that name is Batman: Dark Tommorow.