Only reason I gave it a 3 and not a 1

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield Hardline (Deluxe Edition) XONE
The only reason I gave it a 3 and not a 1 is because the single player campaign is a lot of fun so far, but I don't play BF for the single player, I play for the moultiplayer. I have been a loyal Battlefield fan and switched over from COD a long time ago. I loved BF because it was nothing like CoD. This new BF Hardline threw away everything that made it different and better then CoD. Yes they took away tanks, heavy artillery, jets, Attack helicopters and etc. But the gameplay now feels just like CoD. Fast paced load and kill play style. The graphics are awesome but that's it. I am really disappointed in this new BF4, I took off this week so I could play it, an so far I only played it 2 days, the last 3 days I haven't even felt like playing it, I actualy went back and played BF4 on the 360. Even if they come out with new DLC, I dont think that will help because the whole play style doesn't even feel right. If you are a BF fan you know exactly what I'm talking about. They really messed this one up.