That's right...its a chick and yes she can kick major @ss. Haven't played a game like Bayonetta in years.

User Rating: 9 | Bayonetta (United Kingdom) X360
Well, let me put it this way, the game is ambitious with great new ideas and loads of action to get into here. To be honest though, I was hyping this game for awhile due to the people who made Madworld, one thing for sure in this game, is it's damn fun.

The combat and controls are stable and fluid, I didn't find one single frustrating thing about the controls, they are excellent. And the action and style of beating the sh** out of monsters and enemies never gets old. I swear there is like massive variety of combos you can do in this game.

Another thing that comes extremely impressive in this game is the graphics and the animation put into this. It's brilliant and sexy looking. The style never gets old.

Bayonetta come to some similarities to devil may cry, and maybe that is why some action gamers who happen to be fans of devil may cry and god of war are trying to bash this game just because the main character is a woman. I played through most action games like ninja gaiden, god of war and devil may cry and all I can say is that I welcome Bayonetta as one of the best action beat the sh** out of game out there, I would say DMC, GOW and NG have a competition they need to look out for, and that is Bayonetta.

The best thing about this game in Bayonetta in my opinion are the boss fights, holy friggin crap...the boss fights are amazing. I gotta say they are memorable and it non stop fun, I guarantee.

The only negatives I have with this game is yes the camera is somewhat annoying at times, but not bad though, its actually quite minor as a matter of fact. And for the story isn't the best but better than most action games I find.

Overall, any action/beat em up/adventure gamer surely would enjoy this. Haters need to grow up, and explore the fun and enjoyment in this game. It is something worth looking into.