Extreme. Over the top. Insane. Yeah, that's Bayonetta...

User Rating: 9 | Bayonetta PS3
So, I wasn't sure what to think after I put this one in. From the start it was very obvious that this one would be a bit different than all the rest. Stylistically it is a masterpiece with a very intense and over-the-top feel. This is what this game is all about from start to finish...

On the Normal skill difficulty, which is the highest at the start, you will definitely face an initial learning curve. This game takes a bit of getting used to but in time you will find that the intense action sequences and boss battles are well worth your time. Most definitely, you will encounter some of the most impressive bosses you've ever encountered and in some cases you come against them more than one at a time. This game doesn't hold back at any point and part of this is what makes the game worth playing.

Some less ambitious gamers might give up after having to repeatedly fight the same battle over and over to discover it's unique strategy but for this game in particular I found everything quite enjoyable even with the repetition. The game is simply very well done and is fair. In fact, if you need a little extra help you can always replay any chapter at an easier skill level to get some extra needed cash, learn a strategy, etc. This, in essence, can be what really balances the game out and allows for a strong level of replay ability.

Ultimately, this game is well worth the time. The biggest downside for some will simply be the learning curve OR the sore fingers after button mashing so much. lol Other than that the game does suffer from some odd camera angles issues on occasion that were frustrating. Graphically the game is OK but it is made up in the strong style that is present in every scene/sequence. The musical score is definitely a humorous portion as well as some of the nods to vintage Sega games.(Outrun, Space Harrier, After Burner)