Exceptional story & graphics. Columbia city & Elizabeth are brilliant. Gunfights outstanding.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock Infinite PC

The floating city of Coulmbia is a welcome change of fresh air compared to Rapture. The city is hauntingly beautiful & sign boards, the shops & its residents are intriguing. Especially during daylight the city looks charming. As Booker Dewitt you are sent to find this girl & bring her back to repay the debt. The story is pretty blurred until almost 75% through the game when things start to make sense. The concept of space and time is used to great detail and it merges well with the story. The action sequences are almost non stop and its a lot of fun to use various combos of your powers and weapons to dispose off the enemy.

Skylines are a great new concept to travel within Columbia and makes for good exploration. Health, shield and vigor (Magicka) is up-gradable. Using tears is another great and ingenious concept of the game and makes for some interesting fights. You can use tear (Creating spaces) for ammo, med kits, salts (used for vigor), weapons cache, oil spills, gun turrets, space hook etc. which can help you combat a large group of enemies. However, the greatest part of the game lies in: ELIZABETH.

The little girl who accompanies you for 80% of the game is exceptional. She hands you ammo during fights when you running low, she gives salt when low on vigor, hands out health packs when low on health. Apart from these, she spots objects for you that are not clearly visible in dark areas like lock picks and mentions to you. During a fight she manages her own and takes cover and helps you out. Never a nuisance or a distraction and she tiptoes silently if you are sneaking up on an enemy. She makes interesting conversation throughout the game and the talks between her & Dewitt which happen nonchalantly as you are walking or looking for something not particularly looking at her, highlight how brilliant this game is and how the story is thought out so deep. Elizabeth has got to be the only character in a video game I have actually cared about. There is a great bond growing through the game between Booker & Elizabeth.

The story revolves around the Vox Populi (Rebels), Father Zachary Comstock (Antagonist), Luteces twins, Elizabeth & Booker Dewitt. Greatly scripted, it can get very confusing and a lot of background story is conveyed through Voxophones which are found in the game. The combat mechanics is very simple and guns, armor and magical powers are all up-gradable at the vending machines found throughout Columbia. However the game allows only 2 guns to be carried at a time which can get a little frustrating as various enemies and situations call for different weapons to be handled. The last fight of the game is very intense and fitting for a game of Bioshock Infinite's stature. Superb first person shooter overall with great cast, story and game play. Not to be missed for anyone who loves a great FPS with solid story line. The girl Elizabeth's character alone makes it worth playing for. Never has a character been so lively portrayed.