An inferior sequel to the original titles

User Rating: 5 | BioShock Infinite PS3

Bioshock Infinite is easily the worst in the franchise. The gunplay is average at best, with guns feeling like pea shooters when you shoot them. The AI is smart and tough which makes up for the shoddy gunplay. EVE is done away with in this game and replaced with "salts" which perform in more or less the same manner. However, there isn't as much variation in the salts and you won't use them as often as in the previous titles.

Another gripe I had with gameplay was the lack of it. a large percentage of the game takes place via "walking sections" where the player is forced to walk with an NPC in order to advance the plot. Troy Baker is a brilliant voice actor but the script was pure garbage. I felt close to no sympathy with either his character or that of Elizabeth, the girl that the plot revolves around.

If the gameplay and voice acting aren't up to snuff, then it's up to the story to save the game. However, the story is easily the worst part about it. The start of the game has you rescuing Elizabeth from her prison . After that, your character, Booker DeWitt wants to get out quickly but events unfold and you're forced to stay in the city in the sky called "Columbia". You end up fighting various factions in Columbia and discover that Elizabeth has the power to change dimensions. If this sounds confusing to you, that's because it is. It only get's worse from there. By the end I was left fuming at the terrible and confusing ending. After a few minutes going "What the ****...?" I was actually glad the game was over. I was going to give this game a 6 but upon reflection, 5 is fairer. Painfully average, and a disgrace to the memory of Bioshock 1 and 2.