This is the best single-player, first-person shooter of this generation.

User Rating: 10 | BioShock PS3
When I used an Xbox 360 as my primary game system, one of my favorite games was 'BioShock'. At the time of it's release on the 360, it was an amazing game, looked fantastic, and was a rare FPS that worried more about telling a story than providing a fancy online mode. In fact, there is no online multiplayer whatsoever. Several years later now, I have switched to the PS3 as my primary console. When you switch to a different console and, essentially start over, you give yourself the opportunity to re-play great games like 'BioShock'. When this PS3 version first came out, it was a bit behind the times as far as visuals go. But this is still the great game that it was on the Xbox 360. I think that most gamers would say that it was worth the year-long wait just to get the opportunity to play a game of this caliber.

'BioShock' is one of those rare games that has me sitting in front of my TV for hours on end, and then when I stop to do something else (such as shower, eat, use the restroom, work, etc.), I thinking about playing it. When you think of most first-person shooters, usually the online multi-player comes to mind first with the story coming in second. What was refreshing about 'BioShock' is that it's a single-player FPS that is all about the story and atmosphere of your environment.

The city of "Rapture" is an amazing set-piece for a game is almost a character in-itself. Upon arriving in the underwater city, you are greeted by a man (Atlus) on a radio and some very disturbed inhabitants who are trying to kill you. These crazies (known as "Splicers") are genetically enhanced citizens of the city who have gone crazy due to.....well.......I won't give that away due to spoilers. In fact, the storyline is so good that it's really hard to talk more about it without giving something away. Just know that this is the best story I have seen in a FPS ever and has a couple major twists and turns that will have you saying, "Wow".

In addition to the great story, 'BioShock' also gives you the opportunity to make some moral decisions that will effect the game and what ending you receive if you beat it. It's a nice touch, especially for it's time, even if other games have done more with this since 'BioShock's release. The game also has some exhilarating moments that you will find nowhere else. Trust me, the first time you take on a "Big Daddy" will have your heart-pumping. And for a FPS, the game is quite long and deep. You can upgrade your weapons, customize your plasmids (essentially, a form of magic), purchase new plasmids, upgrade how many you can carry, etc. Some of this comes from you spending a currency called, "Adam". I won't ruin where "Adam" comes from or how you obtain it (it would contain a minor spoiler), but it's just another interesting twist in the game.

Like I mentioned earlier, the game still looks good even for today. The PS3 version does have some technical issues regarding framerate, which is even worse than it was on the Xbox 360. The PS3 version does, slightly, clean up the graphics and some of the lighting is better. I also thought the music & voice acting were top-notch. In fact, overall, the presentation here is outstanding. Especially when you consider this game was released several years ago.

I should mention that this PS3 version comes with the option to download some (optional) "Challenge Rooms" for the price of $10 off the PlayStation Network. These rooms are exclusive to the PS3 and are an interesting twist on the normal game. Are they worth the $10? Well, the depends on how big a fan of this game you are. The rooms do have several new trophies attached, as well.

Quite simply, 'BioShock' is one of the best first-person shooters I have ever played. It doesn't matter what console it's on. This is, easily, the best single-player shooter out there today and should not be missed by any gamer. If you are a person who only gets into the online aspect of FPS', then stay away because 'BioShock' doesn't even have online multiplayer. But don't let that sway you from playing one of the best games of this (or any) generation.