Well ahed of it's time, this game makes you a God. It is your choice to either choose good or evil, Black or White.

User Rating: 7 | Black & White Deluxe PC
Well ahaed of it's time, this game makes you a God. It is your choice to either choos good or evil, Black or White.

This game is a very unique real time strategy game, but very different from any other RTS. Instead of building an army, you raise a pet. That pet becomes the symbol of all who follow and worship you. You pet will watch what you do and imitate it. Over the course of the game he will grow, become more intelegent, and more like you.

One fun little thing unique to this game is that you can pick up almost anything, and then set it some place elss, or hurl it into a village building.

The other unique thing about this RTS is one of the main thing you spend your time doing is getting people to worship you. You preform miracles at villages and can teach you pet to do so as well. Or if you take the evil path you get people to worship you out of fear. You toss thing at there villages and cast fire and lighting down on them. You also teach your pet to do the same. Soon your pet will get my follower by either healing villagers and bringing them food, or casting fire and lightning at them. Also the more powerfull he gets the better he will be at fighting other God's pets or creatures.

You also will end up working agains other Gods and trying to win the worship of the villages before any of the other Gods do. You can also command your follower to build thing that allow you village to grow bigger ang get you more worship. The more people you have worshiping you, the more power you have to gain belief of other villages, or destroy another God's temple.

It's also diffacult to get used to all the unique features in this game. Such as sing command and attacks with miracles.

The down side to this game is it can get very drawn out, and go very slowly. Training your pet can also be tiring, but very rewarding when he starts to do your magesties will with out question. Be it to please and bring healing to you follower, or feast on their flesh and bring fear to them all.

The expansion pack, Creature island gives you a choice of several other creatures you may choose to raise. You also can go to creature island were you may further train your creature, and play a wide variety of mini game that are apart of a story line you can do.

All in all, this game is very fun and enjoyable. I recommend this game to you if you enjoy RTS, have patience, and enjoy a very unique gameing adventure unlike any other game out there.