User Rating: 6.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
This game is very hard and annoying. You have futuristic soldiers trying to kill you and if its not them it is the mutants. You will encounter these enemies in many different areas like the desert or the trailer park. Their are a variety of weapons to choose to get from pistols to laser guns. The characters are pretty simple a leader, a girl who is a master in technology and a former friend who turned evil. Their are one type of human enemies and a variety of mutants like giant rams and humans with claws trying to kill you. The end of course had a boss in which you chase him into a room and you fight for the last time.The game has some good parts like flying in a heilicopter and shooting at mutants. And finally their are collectables which unlock extra information and art. If you see this game do not play it. Unless your a serous Xbox 360 game collector, do not play it.