Blacksite will hurl you into a human-alien war which isn't quite as exciting as the title itself.

User Rating: 6.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
We all know that there are FPS action games that take the trophy with every release in their series and anything which tries to copy is rarely recognised as being an ambitious and inspirational game. "Blacksite" is no exception.

This game will allow you to take on the alias of "Pierce", the sergeant of a small squad of elite soldiers which you will become acquainted with for the duration of the game. The beginning of the game takes place in Iraq, where you and your squad are looking for WMD's in a large Taliban base. Whilst carrying out the mission, you'll find more than you bargained for.

After the Iraq prologue, the true enemy reveals itself as some kind of alien species and it's your job to stop its invasion of US soil, as well as find the culprit behind it all.

The first thing you'll notice about the technical side of this game is the graphics. Blacksite was built on a modified version of the Unreal engine, allowing for more realistic looking textures and player models. However, these graphics aren't nearly enough to compensate for the amount of bugs and glitches that this game holds. At first, you'll excuse most of them, but over time they will definitely add up. The little things, such as guns and ammunition floating in mid air will quickly annoy you. This, coupled with glitch filled and predictable environments and slow frame rates, will be just enough to make you want to get the game over with.

Blacksite doesn't get any better in the gameplay department either. The AI are predictable and lackluster, and the lack of variety in levels will make for a mediocre playing experience. Also, the idea of commanding a squad isn't nearly as cool as it sounds. They are, at many times, utterly useless except for the increasingly annoying times when you have to get them to open doors for you, because apparently you're too good for that.

On top of these gameplay issues, Blacksite is far too easy. An annoying crosshair will always eliminate any challenge that even comes close to you, regardless of whether you aim of not. These issues could have easily been fixed if the game's development was not so rushed and more time was allowed for the developers to identify its flaws.

In summary, the fans of big popular FPS's such as "Call of Duty" and "Battlefield" will not make a good impression, but will be respected for its effort and lengthy campaign. Don't expect this game to be great, but give it a go and see what you think.