Blood Omen 2 should have been a great title. In theory it is. Too bad in practice it doesn't measure up.

User Rating: 4.2 | Blood Omen 2 PS2
Blood Omen 2 is a great example of an awesome game idea, without nearly enough follow through on the production side. Who doesn't wanna be a vampire God subjecting humans and aliens alike to his great powers? We all do. Too bad, that when they started to work out how these powers manifest that they used a weak engine system that has no logic to how you gain and use powers. In addition the graphics guy apparently called in his contribution. The controls are vintage eidos, dating back to the tomb raider days where you had to stop to turn accurately; real helpful in a combat game. Couple all this with the fact that the voiceovers -never- sync up, if they play at all, and oh yeah there's the minor issue of a manufacture wide program bug, that causes the game to freeze...frequently. I went through five copies to figure that one out. Put a restraining order on this game.

If you can get it to play properly, you got some fun on your blood-stained hands, but trust will not get it to play properly.