Kain is back with a vengance...and what an experience this guy will have!!!

User Rating: 10 | Blood Omen 2 PS2
This was one of the first games i played from the Legacy of Kain series...and what a game it was!!!

The first thing which struck me about this game was its theme...a kind of medieval time mixed with the industrial revulution and with a bit of gothic features throne in. Although Kain is perceived as a villain in the majority of games he featured in, he is somewhat of a hero in this one.

Kain is a heart-broken vampire, whose tone of voice is very very distinguishable...hats off to the voice talent of Simon Templeman!!! you just want to hear the guy over and over again....wow!!!! This voice completley fits in with the physical appearance, gestures, movement and attitude of the Kain we see in Blood Omen 2 (pity his physical features turn somewhet ugly in other games that follow, e.g. Soul Reaver 2!!!).

You are on a mission to get rid of the Sarafan rule which has thwarted the plans of Kain, and taken his throne away from him, as Kain learns from the recovery from the ever so long coma he was put into by a diabolical fiend. Now Kain unleashes his pain and anger by sucking blood from his victims, and obatining special powers (known as gifts in the game) as he seeks out the diabolical fiend who put his life into misery!!!!

The thing whihc I like about this game is that you can wield all sorts of weapons...and when you have none, the good old claws are perfect for slashing, picking up, throwing and....er....gesturing/taunting!!!! The bosses are all excellent foes to compete with....and of course, the story line is as good as it gets...with memorable film sequences where you come across various characters....including Kains' inseparable friend Umah and the vampire head of department, Vorador!!! You also come across some pretty pathictc civillians in the game...who you can pity, coz the all look like they are siblings and seem to get rather uspet and scared when they sense Kains presence... well the majority do when he draws his weapon/ claws or starts fighting an enemy...and some have a Liverpool/Manchester accent which they use to good effect!!! It is really funny when they say stuff like "help me...somebody help me please!", "pardon me governer" and "leave me alone"!

Overall, this game has a good theme, and I would strongly reccomend it if you are into those hack and slash games, with blood getting spilt everywhere, and with really wonderful graphics...I really enjoyed pklaying the game in and around the church...some of the stain glass windows looked so life like.....and the industry quarters...wow....you have to play the game to indulge in the graphics!!!!

I have not yet completed it...coz I am stuck on one of the bosses (who seems like an avid martial artist, yow!!!) but what I have done so far in the game has been a really enjoyable experience...and an eye-opening one, with indications of faith and slef-belief....how may you ask??? Welll, I guess you will have to play the game and find out, hahaha!!!!