007 Blood Stone is one of the best 3rd person action adventure game you will enjoy a lot in gaming

User Rating: 9 | Blood Stone: 007 PC
007 Blood Stone is some how similar to its previous title 007 quantum of solace but not completely.first of all the game have.In previous games of 007 Mr Bond carry several gadget (e.g night fire) but in this game he have only windows mobile and do everything tricky with it. Character also have the ability to fight with hand using several hand-to-hand combat. In the game there are some driving sequence also. There are level in between the gaming where you are in a boat and have to fire to another enemy boat which is little difficult for first timer but after that you will play like charm. The character have combat mark and execute similar to Tom Clancy's splinter cell conviction. This game is also have good multiplayer feature with up to 16 players and also have versus match, team death match etc. As i previously say it seems like quantum of solace but it have different feature which make it unique. Over all this game is full of action packed