BloodBorne Review

User Rating: 8 | Bloodborne PS4

If you have played Demoed souls or Dark souls I'm sure you know what Bloodborne is, and for you that have no idea what any of those are. Bloodborne is self torture...But in a kind of good way, everything from killing bosses, clearing areas and PVP gives you a great feel of satisfaction when you overcome it. The difficulty of the Demon/Dark Souls games have carried over to Bloodborne...mostly, some aspects of the game have been tweaked to make it a bit more user friendly and less frustrating. You still lose all your "Blood" or "Souls" When you die and "Lanterns" or "Camp Fires" are few and far between. Bloodborne has eased up on traps witch is nice, Nothing is worse then getting killed trying open a door or chest. The combat in Bloodborne is quick,tight and responsive just like previous games, The addition of of guns in Bloodborne adds a new level of combat, You can now parry people with a perfectly timed shot and punish them with huge damage afterwards. The weapons in the game are quite diverse and look amazing, Things like a giant wagon wheel, 2 handed great-sword or a cane whip all have their pros and cons to battle and let you build a character based on how you play. Level design in the game is amazing, Big Gothic city's and cathedrals look terrifying grouped with the equally as terrifying enemy's at times. Some of the enemy's you fight feel very overpowered and will take you quite a bit to bring down, But don't forget Bloodborne has Co-op! Sadly it's not as easy to use as some would like but it's very helpful being able to bring you friends/randoms into boss fights to give you a hand. The bosses in Bloodborne are also horrifying at times for the most part and give you a great sense of fear when you finally find one and then proceed to die to it multiple times. The storyline is dark and twisted but also hard to follow at times but still a interesting part of the game.

If you like a challenge to your RPG or you like high blood pressure I recommend you give Bloodborne a try, It's not for everyone but I'm sure a few people out their will love a game degree.