Fast, bloody, and unrelentingly difficult makes for a great time

User Rating: 9 | Bloodborne PS4

Even as a souls veteran, this game was hard. The new pace for this PS4 exclusive was incredibly fast, from the protagonist's quicksteps to the boss fights to the combat itself. It takes some getting used to, but it was still a graphically beautiful and bloody experience that I would take again. Newcomers may be thrown off by it's difficulty, but it is very different from any other game I have played in the best ways possible. That being said, this game requires more patience than any of the souls series. Death is plentiful which means high levels of frustration. I would still recommend it to newcomers mainly because of the rewarding experience that comes with it. No K/D ratio will ever be as satisfying as finally defeating a Bloodborne boss or getting through an extremely difficult area. It still has familiar RPG elements and similar lore based storytelling of previous souls games, but what sets it apart is the new combat. Shields have been replaces by guns, sorcery replaced by arcane, and swords have been replaced by awesome trick weapons. The weapons have two forms to them, allowing them to become trick weapons, allowing for a fluid and unique style of gameplay. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of them. There are many to choose from and it should satisfy most people but there are less weapons here than in the Dark Souls games. That's the only setback, even though the weapons that are there are awesome. Once again, the DLC is totally worth its price, being even more difficult than the main game itself and offering many more epic weapons, boss fights, lore, and other rewards. Certainly a must-play for the PS4.