Addictive and rewarding game ever played

User Rating: 10 | Bloodborne PS4

I have to admit that this game was the hardest game I've ever played. I have completed more than 200 games total so far.

This was one of the first game I bought when I bought the PS4. I gave a try several time and I couldn't get far enough the first two lamps (checkpoints). After around two years I completed several games and this game just got dust in my shelve. I lent this game to my brother and in two months he got platinum trophy, so I felt "motivated" to give it a try.

The trick to this game to beat it is the hardest one of all: "to never give up".

The most difficult parts of the game is the very beginning where you get killed thousand of times and the final part when you need to have strong skills and be well leveled-up.

This game doesn't have a great story or a deep one. Just is a very well developed game with great atmosphere and gameplay.

Once you get used to the game and start properly leveling up, you will get totally hooked and you want to get the 100% as I did. Realize that the platinum trophy was achieved by 7% of the player, that means that once you are committed you will get to the end.

I truly recommend this game to only goal to feel how rewarding is to get the platinum trophy.
