From Software's masterpiece

User Rating: 10 | Bloodborne PS4

Bloodborne is one of the cases where the game gets better with each move, I fisnish it 3 times and every time I was ended I liked even more of the game, starting from the setting that is fantastic, Gothic, with towers, churches and very dark, it is very easy to be impressed by each new scenario of the game, the design of the creatures is very good too, every creature is unique and frightening, and of course the game's boss fight is memorable, the game does not disappoint in the difficulty too, it is a game that can be difficult without appealing, even after many deaths you will not be frustrated but fight to beat the boss. the gameplay is impeccable, is fast and very fluid with commands easy to learn, the sensation of giving a visceral attack is incredible. the level design of the maps are excellent, you are surprised when you are exploring some scenery and find some entrance and that entrance connects with a part of the map that you had explored at the beginning of the game. the soundtrack is fantastic, leaves the battle against the boss even more epic, not to mention that it perfectly combines with the atmosphere of the game, and the story to understand you have to hunt items and read the descriptions, style that the Lore of Dark Souls is counted. one thing I missed in the game is the traps, I think that in addition to being very few, they are very predictable, I think in the whole game there are only 3 traps and they are all very obvious, but you have to understand, since the series Souls goes on castles and etc., it is common to have more traps, so much as I lack more traps, that's not a bad point, because it does not interfere with Bloodborne's difficulty. now talking about the Boss, all are unique visually speaking and are also unique in strategies and scams (something that Dark Souls 2 is very flawed), but some are easier than it should be, I found the last boss fight quiet, just like the secret boss that gives to release if you do all the right procedures, now the calices of the game are very complicated, with boss very difficult (taking the last one you need to make a trophy that is also quiet), another good thing of calices is that it makes the game have more amount of hours. Bloodborne is a masterpiece from From Software, a game that hits everything that it does, with an amazing setting, fantastic soundtrack, great gameplay and with a lore that however difficult it may be to know, because it needs a lot of attention , is a lore as rich as the lore of Dark Souls. Bloodborne is without a shadow of doubt one of the best games of this generation. Note 100