This game is AMAZING!

User Rating: 9 | Blue Dragon X360
I recently borrowed Blue Dragon and completed it in about 6 Day's but I have learnt that it is one of the best Fantasy game's I have ever played, the graphics are just right and it has a very good story line plus it was rated 8.5 in Xbox Magazine... So really its a game every one should try out! I think the game should get a 10 put there are some downsides to the game :(
The game has too many glitches in (In my own opinion) and in one part of the game I literally skipped half a level (don't know how) and some times the sound can go but i think it could just be my friends disc quality :D But really the game is amazing it's a got to buy game really! Plus the game is actually fare cheap now you could at least get the game for £11 or a little but less! Please buy this game :)

This review was written by JetDaHawk3451 and his trusty companion legoislandfan!