More Frustrating than Fun

User Rating: 5 | Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3

Unfortunately, I dumped the game before getting anywhere near the depth of the story. The side mission gameplay is just too frustrating and inept, the puzzles seem more of an excuse to burn your cash thru respawn rather than clever, and the AI for battles is much to simple (just wait for them to reload, and pick them off). The second Boss battle clearly showed the inadequacy, as all you had to do was wait in the little room next to the entrance for your chance to snipe him out of existence while the support drones do little to no damage, and even if you engage, a simple hiding behind walls to avoid the blue power globes or simple hopping off the electrified platforms before activation kept you well. Too too much scavenging and gathering cash, and a multitude of inane weapons to spend the cash on. Even the skills tree was overwrought . Most unbearable was being respawned much too far away from the action and having to traverse the same spent areas before getting back to the battle ground, even though the 'autosave' signal was clearly activating. Disappointing to say the least.