A highly humorous and entertaining game for the mature audience

User Rating: 9.5 | Borderlands PS3
Borderlands is rock solid. A highly addictive game that is great for some laughs and some twisted gameplay for maturer audiences.

A cell-shaded game consisting of a vast wasteland, people, and creatures, this game looks absolutely great. It looks like the pictures you would see out of a comic book and to be honest I've always been a sucker for cell-shaded games but in a non-biased manner, the game still looks amazing. The environments are very expressive to the dying non-paradise that is, Pandora.

Borderlands is something that doesn't stop surprising. You'll get guns, you'll get more guns, and when your confident that you have the best guns, you'll get even more. Pistols, Machine Pistols, Rockets, Rifles, Sub-Machine Guns, Shotguns, Elemental Weapons, "Laser" Weapons... It's all good for unloading sadistic carnage against the other insane remnants that inhabit Pandora. The Loot system of Pandora is fantastic and highly addicting. You'll be finding yourself opening Loot Chests and feel exactly like Roland when he exclaims, "It's like Christmas!" Quests can be a bit tedious as a lot of it are fetch-quests but there's always laughs to be had during these quests whether it's a very badly spelled and unnecessary letter from an enemy, your crazy friends and foes that you encounter, or the sound of the psycho rushing at you just before you liquify his head with an explosive shotgun. You'll be driving, shooting, and running around. You gain levels by killing things and each level permits you a point to put into a perk to improve any special abilities or give you bonuses that you might want. The difficulty feels just right, showing you how difficult of a grade the missions are going to be helps prepare for what is to come.

This is by far, the means of fully enjoying the Borderlands experience. Without a friend, Pandora and the characters on it will just not be as entertaining. I'm sure that people will still love it but I cannot express how important it is to have someone to aid you in your quest on Pandora. You will not regret it.

On Pandora, you roam around the desolate planet and shoot at whatever is a threat which is basically almost every single thing that moves. Your main goal is to find something called "The Vault" which is supposed to wield riches beyond imagination and everyone who goes to Pandora searches for it. Unfortunately this is where the story basically cuts off and that is my only real complaint about this game. There is basically no character development, its basically just what you read in the manual. The story overall is a little unsatisfying however this can be easily overlooked a lot because the rest of the game is that incredible. Very humorous situations and characters still make this game somehow have an unforgettable journey regardless of the lack of story. If you have somewhat of a sick sense of humor you will laugh and hopefully laugh a lot with a friend.

Final Thoughts:
Borderlands deserves a fantastic score because it is a fantastic game. It's a game that really stands out from the rest to me because it is so unlike other games out there and that uniqueness is a very attractive and welcome addition to a genre that is becoming more and more the same every day. If you have not played Borderlands and have somewhat of a sick sense of humor, then this game comes highly recommended.