its an awesome game that u will have hours playing the cartoony look makes it even better

User Rating: 9 | Borderlands X360
great game love the weapons hors of fun only after a while u might get bored trust me itis a great game it might also depend what kind of gamer u are im a sci fi shooter if u like realistic graphics do not get this game but if ur like me i highly recomed it my little brother plays it 2 hes 8 years old its not horrible and its also funny like theres a enemy called "psyco midget" and a boss called 3 balls something it will make u laugh trust me the multiplayer is okay the cars are really hard 2 drive but i play it i have played it for hours and i love it the bad thing is the bugs like for me an enemy wodent die and the di and are kind of flying if u buy this game and u dont like cartoons dont buy itt but if u do buy it i think its a game more teen or like in italy 12+ but if ur mom doesnt want to buy it because its 18+ or rated M dont worry its not for a while my mom wodent let me buy games cause they were 18 + i think they put that only to make it look cooler whats cooler a 12+ or an 18+ or M or T its not right well ok

well this is MOB_MisterSolo thanks for your time