With endless guns and customization of weapons, this game will consume your gaming life for some time

User Rating: 9.5 | Borderlands X360
I picked this game up without pre-ordering it and I can only describe it in one word: AMAZING! I played co-op with my friend for 5 hours and 15 minutes ("time played" counter in-game) and I simply couldn't put it down. We found awesome weapons that are bound to get better, and the missions are long and engaging. Whether you are looking to waste some time and have a really good experience, or you are looking to burn down the Modern Warfare 2 countdown timer (I know most of you people are :P) then this is the game for you. It has the most guns out of any game i have played, and for sure contains an arsenal bigger than WoW. The stylized graphics remind me of the good ol' Sly Cooper games, and they fit the game well. This is a game I will be playing for many months, and I can't wait to fully immerse myself in the wastelands of Pandora