It's pretty unique, but not for everyone!

User Rating: 7 | Brink PS3
This game went from $60 to $5 in just a few months, yes, I've seen it going got $5 just a couple of months after the release, so it wasn't very popular on today's market, but it's not a bad game, I had a good time playing it but there are a few things that I found a little odd.

Apparently this game was no single player option, you always play with a team of people, so I believe it's just an online game, but don't quote on this, I didn't dig too deep. So you can do well if your teammates are on pair with you. And at the beginning you have to choose if you want to be defensing the Arc or trying to escape it. There's not much difference on the gameplay either way, and I had no problems going through the whole "Rebel" campaign on the hardest difficulty, but when I played as the "good" guys, I was not able to complete the first mission, but again, it depends on who's on your team.

Visually the game is pretty, good graphics and really good CG cut-scenes and the audio it's also pretty good. And since it's a online game I was pleased to be able to join a game with no lag, it just jumps into the game quite seamlessly. Even better than the COD servers.

I had a really good time playing through the game and can see myself coming back for more. It's a shame this game was completely buried on resale but that's how the market goes. Look in the bargain bins, for around $10 it's a great experience to have.