It may not be perfect, but BRINK is a good game; the bad reveiws are not just.

User Rating: 7.5 | Brink X360
BRINK is a objective first person shooter set in the near future on a floating city: the Ark.

The Good Parts:
This FPS is not another run-of-the-mill COD clone. While it does have similarities with it, BRINK can stand on it's own.
The SMART system is a great and well done feature and the maps are full of secret jumps and tricks.
The classes (Solider, Medic, Engineer and Operative) are balanced.
Objectives actually mean something (rather than "Capture the Flag")
The customization is great and no two characters look the same.
The body types are great too (Light, Medium or Heavy).
The guns are very well done, with none being overpowered or "the best". They also mix in well with body types.

The Bad Parts:
Lag can be a issue in some mutilplayer games.
Textures on surfaces always take a few extra seconds to load.
The story is weak; a missed opportunity.
AI can be a bit dumb (only sometimes).
XP is given a bit too generously.

While the bad points are a pain, the good parts out weigh them out. Play BRINK like BRINK should be played, not like COD or another generic shooter, it will be a great experience.