A potentially epic game let down at the last hurdle - Don't buy.

User Rating: 6 | Brink PC
Brink is a game i've watched devlop since before it was named. I've seen the modern take on the team fortress progess and take shape and it has a lot going for it. It could achieve great things. It looks good and it plays smooth in singleplayer. The A.I. is a let down and reminds me of the bots in CS:S which isn't a good thing as there pretty stupid but atleast they shoot straight, meaning you can play the storyline, explore the maps and practice with the guns.

The potential for this game is that could stick around for a decade like CS / TF and even some of the early CoD games. Hopefully, it will!

But for now in its infancy (though it has now been out four months) it is a poor poor game let down by massive flaws in its online area. The 360 version was unplayable and atleast 50% of the PC player base cannot play online or offline, atleast to an enjoyable level. ATI have whats now been called "The Grid" where graphics arn't loading and people can see the framework of the maps. as for those who does work there is the dreaded rubber band man - It's like playing a FPS game with a ping of 3000 you take 2 steps forward one step back. Some maps are unplayable on 99% of the servers because of it. Some maps are fine but it still there, making the entire experiance feel sluggish. In a normal FPS you could cope with it, you'd put the sniper rifle away and play with an automatic, but when a game gives you SMART and says - run whre ever you please. The rubber band man kills the game.I WANT to play Brink I enjoy playing it, but I can't play it without trying 10 different servers and then leaving when certain maps come on :'(Shame.

Truely and utterly a fantastic game in the waiting, maybe SplashDamage will figgure it out and keep patching it untill then I wouldn't buy this flawed game unless you can try it first.