Bully for Ps2 takes Rockstar's GTA Game play and Humor and puts it in a new setting: A Schoolyard.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bully PS2
Jimmy Hopkins is sent to Bull-worth Academy after being expelled/kicked-out from many other schools. While he's there for the year, his mom is on a honeymoon with her fifth husband and will be dealt with for his bad behavior in the car, next year that is. Once he arrives, he's been warned by the strict headmaster to behave because of Jimmy's bad history.

Game play:
Rock-star decided to use the game-play of the already successful "Grand Theft Auto'' series, tone down the weaponry of guns and explosives in favor of children weaponry and set it in an entirely new setting: The Schoolyard.

Rock-star Vancouver did a great job of the graphics on Bully. Character models are great and level design and environments are great as well. Background environments are kinda blurry, but it's not really that much of a big issue.

Music and Sound:
Music score sets the mood for this game entirely. Sound effects are as clear as a whistle, just like the GTA series.

Left Analog joystick for moving Jimmy. X for running. L1 for aiming. Square for hitting. Triangle for getting onto bikes or any kind of transportation, except for cars or trucks. L2 and R2 for cycling through weapons.

Lasting Appeal:
Bully for the PlayStation 2 is a great game and it sure does know to push the Teen rating to the limit. 8.5 out of 10.