Burnout Paradise offers an open world driving experience like no over.

User Rating: 9 | Burnout Paradise PS3
Burnout Paradise is one of the games which for me is impossible to dislike. The gameplay is fantastic and there is no shortage of events to take part in. Graphics are slick and the crash effects are very realistic. It is thoroughly enjoyable to smash an opposing car off the road causing all kinds of carnage. The free roam option is great, giving you time to discover and familiar yourself with the different areas of Paradise City's huge map. There are billboards to smash, gates to find and cars to shut down through out the city, all of which had a variety and depth to the experience.

The only part of the game which actually frustrated me was DJ Atomica the incredibly annoying DJ who warbles on about nonsense every ten to fifteen minutes. However this is just a minor fault which doesn't actually detach you from the immersive world of the game. Also some other problems like not being able to restart a race have been patched, making it much less hassle to lose a race in the dying moments.

Overall Burnout Paradise is a very rewarding experience which everybody should try and get their hands on.