It Can Be a Bit Frustrating At Times, But It's a Definite Win Regardless

User Rating: 9 | Burnout Paradise X360
Those looking for truly intense and insanely cool car combat should definitely pick up burnout paradise! You get an open world as you explore and compete in events (road rage, races, stunt runs and marked mans where you have to make it from point A to point B without getting wrecked by rival AI, etc.) by going to an intersection and tapping both trigger buttons together. Along the way, you'll get to use gas stations to fill your boost meters, paint shops to get some fancy car vinyls and paintwork, and even auto repair shops for when the action gets really intense and you need a quick fix-up. There's also junkyards where you can change your cars and give them fancy paintwork (metallic, pearlescent, gloss.)

The cars are thrilling to drive. You get speciallized burnout cars such as the carson annihilator for example and different classes: Speed: Great for speed demons, but the boost can only be used at certain amount of times. Stunt: Handy for the stunt runs. Aggression: Helpful for the road rages and the best endurance. There are times when you have to shut down certain cars in the city and you have to act fast to take them down because if you mess up an attempt to take down a certain car or cars, you'll have to try next time you see them because there's no way to track where the cars are in the city.

At times, the game can be rather frustrating when youre trying to beat a race or take down your opponents, as you can get so caught up in trying to take out your opponents or stay ahead of them that you could wreck your car or get taken out by a car from out of nowhere if you're not careful, generating that "Huh? How did that happen?" moment. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell a burnout car from an actual car from a distance. The mini ramps along the side of the roads at certain places, especially with the barrel roll ramps, require great precision to land the stunt as if you enter the ramp at an odd angle or if you land incorrectly, you could wreck your car. Plus you have to going at the ramp at the right speed to land the stunt right.

The only main things that killed the game for me were the lame dialogue from DJ Atomica talking about what kinds of miniscule things are going on in Paradise City, such as minor wrecks and whatnot and the music soundtrack. The music soundtrack is just a horribly slapped-together-at-the-last-minute selection of tunes. At one moment you're listening to Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend," then some techno remix number, and Seether's "Fake It,"for example. Great music selection, huh?

Overall, Burnout Paradise is a thrilling, powerful, outstanding racer, despite the bad music and DJ dialogure and some minor frustrations. Racing, Wrecking, and playing this game is a huge thrill! Definite Win!