The garden of Eden just got a new name BURNOUT PARADISE.

User Rating: 8.5 | Burnout Paradise PS3
i know this is a late edition but i picked this up at an almost eye poppingly low price.

Having got the previous burnout series on all platforms including the psp versions, i found them to be great fun and addictivley fast.

I really wanted this but was dubious to purchase it because having thought at the time it had changed to much from before, a more sandbox style play didn't appeal.

Having said that, and i must admit with an introductory legend of music genius the cars and bikes look wonderful play wonderful and sound meaty.

The city could have looked a little better in my opinion but only in comparrison to games now (2012) and taking into account they're last gen games (ps3) so they will be better.

Its a little confusing to begin with and there is one gripe i found, which i will discuss later. But once you ve earned some points on your license and ranked up to the more speedier cars its a blast. But now with added secret ingredient...smilex, bikes and wow are they cool. All is animated well and it all shifts very nicely.

Though its not got the spark of previous burnout games, it still manages to keep the core fun of it and to my surprise with a sand box feel that works. You can now take a different route to the finish line, or follow the rest of the competition and smash them up. Boosting, driving on opposite side of the road etc as in other burnout games. A cool stunt mode has been added which is fun, with side missions like billboards to smash, shortcuts to find, instant boost stations (petrol stations) and repair your car stations to find. Other modes are available to which add to the fun.

The cities huge and varied with dlc adding to it (cleverly) opening more with loads of dlc bikes cars the usual. Multiplayer is obviously a scream or you can cruise to see the sites. One of my favourite aspects from burnout 3 has gone where the dj (who still informs you what to do and keeps the music heavy) informs you of signiture places to take down you ropponants, but hey that's burnout 3.

Surprisingly different cars handle differently too.

The only gripe i had is it can be frustrating to know where to go at first, glancing at the map only takes you out unless your an x Apache chopper piolot (trained to use booth eyes on two separate fields of view), indicators ..well.. indicate in the direction your spose to head but by then YOUR TRAVELLING TOO FAST TO NOTICE.

great fun and worth every penny. I hope now criterion are making the nfs games, most wanted will do the same.