Almost did it, good game, but it feels incomplete.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
The game, as an arcade type game, is quite accomplished. However, the campaign which I believe was supposed to make you feel like an actual soldier fighting for the American Army during the 'Nam as a secret ops squad fails to bring home the bacon.
The campaign is simply, not there yet, it feels like they could have had a 11/10 game but were too lazy to complete it. The campaign is too short, it lacks detail you don't get the feeling of being totally immersed into the gunfights as you do in Battlefield 3 for example.
Another issue is the quality, both visual and audio. COD has been using the same engine since God knows when, yes, they tweak it and improve it every two or three releases but it is very old in itself.
Don't get me wrong, Black Ops isn't a bad game, there are many redeeming features such as the entertaining zombie mode and the varied multiplayer which has a huge array of weapons and maps to keep you from trading the game at Best-Buy.
COD Black Ops is a good game, as an arcade game not as a war simulation game, for that, get Battlefield, but for fun and pleasure, and if you want to kill a "Grue" by Black Ops