Call of Duty MW:2 Improves on what works in a FPS and in the end it makes for one hell of a game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Really what else can i say? if you played first person shooters in the past year or so then you would know all about the first modern warfare game and how it changed the way we look and what we would expect from a online multiplayer first person shooter.
Call of Duty Modern warfare 2 adds loads of new weapons, gamemodes and Perks, that makes the overall experience a whole lot better.

Lets get the first two things out of the way. Yes this is indeed a 55 pound game if live in United Kingdom and while many think the game shouldn't be that price,I think it's unlikely Activision will lower the price, as the first modern warfare game is still selling for 40 pounds, so if you want Modern Warfare 2 then 55 pounds is the price your going to have to pay. The second thing i also want to mention is that the story mode is quite short for todays standards, but what it lacks in length it makes up for in it's wow factor, without spoiling anything let me just say that it plays like the first Modern Warefare campaign but much bigger in scale and alot better paced.

And no longer will you have to deal with enemy's spawning through every door and window, as levels have set amount of enemys.

The graphics in MW2 have improved compaired to its predecessor, textures are alot sharper and the weapon models have much more on them. IW have sqeezed everybit of horsepower they can with the engine.

The lighting also on some of the levels is fanstatic, and theres hardly any slowdown even in the most action packed parts of the game. This game does indeed look this good and to say it runs at 60fps is amazing.

The voice acting comes up at top with some great performences all around from both sides of the conflict. Weapons both sound and look great also, Shotguns have some real power to them.

Multiplayer has been greatly expanded apon with more perks, weapons, maps and so forth. Theres not much to say about the multiplayer other than if you enjoyed the first games multiplayer like so many have, then the chances are you are gonna enjoy the multiplayer on this one even more.

Its kinda hard to say if the game is worth what activision are charging for the game. Since its without a doubt you're going to be spending the most time on the multiplayer aspect of the game.

But for what the game is worth, its defently worth buying and investing your time into.