Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review For XBOX 360

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
I'll keep my review short. CoD: MW2 is a disaster. The only thing you'll get from this game is a waste of money. With a broken single-player and multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2 does little to change the series. The bottom line, if you want to play it, play it at a friend's house and don't waste your money on this crap. The only good mode in this game is Spec Ops. But even that has very little replay value. I am really dissapointed with the game and i feel like Activison cares very little about the quality of it's games. The only good CoD was Finest Hour and Black Ops. Hopefully with the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 coming in November, maybe they can change my mind. Until then, don't waste your life playing this totally let-down. Although the graphics were good, it is not an excuse to make me want to play this abomination of a game. This could have been much better given that it had to time to be made. It was rushed and not well thought out.