Being created with the idea of multiplayer, it fails to keep the greatness of its name: Call of Duty.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
Call of Duty 6… you may ask if isn't too many for one series have this much of games. My answer will be: is not the case. First of all, like the fourth title of the series, this sixth game is about modern warfare like its name suggests, not what Call of Duty suggests – if you got what I mean.

But only because it's not what it mean to be by its name, the affirmative that is a different game from the original series is far of the truth. This is a good and a bad point here.

Why good? High quality animations, great original sound track and a good balance between fun and challenge is what make a game of the Call of Duty series be always good.

Why bad? You already saw that over and over again in all the past five games of the series. Even the newer game bringing better and polished elements from the older version, it miss that impact of revolutionary or to be amazed, like when we played the very first CoD. At least, for a veteran in the series, that feeling is totally gone.

Modern Warfare 2 is that kind of game that is "winning the match" and, trying to be better, add elements that were missing in the last modern warfare game and try to polish the good elements in the game. Fortunately, what was missing and was added is really good, but, unfortunately, some elements that were "polished" just made this game inferior of the first Modern Warfare.

For who played Call of Duty 4 single player campaign, would be interesting to play the single player of this new CoD, since it continuous from where stopped and, even the plot being really sinister and pessimist, it can please many players, newcomers or even veterans that like to participate of a movie like game.

Full of turnovers and unexpected moments, the single player campaign of Modern Warfare 2 will mark my memories forever. Always happening what isn't expected, and a dark side of a modern war, the storytelling of this game isn't for anyone. For other side, the shooting can unpleased many FPS players. Depending of the moment, we'll face infinite enemy respawn. Bullets kill too easy our enemies (or not, depending of the difficult chosen) and we always control characters with wolverine regenerative powers!

But the greater number of new scenarios, like Brazil, Afghanistan, an oil extractor platform, a Castle in Russia, an Airport in Moscow, snowy bases and mountains and even a pursuit in a river will really mark the campaign. Also, it brings a great new arsenal, with new weapons, including the possibility of akimbo with pistols and sub-machine guns.

Also, the engine is better than in the previous versions, with more details, sharper and higher performance than before. Not only the engine is better, but the controls and the "flow" of all movements were improved. Unfortunately, even with the amazing sound track that is always present in the series, I cannot say the same for the sound effects, with the exception of the weapon's sounds, that was improved and sound more realistic than in the fourth game.

Now this review reaches the bad part of this game, the multiplayer mode. Even playing it for few times, I could notice elements that were not right and those could make veterans go nuts.

Even lighter, Infinity Ward make two "caps": limited the number of maximum players for sixteen (less than 70% compared to the first modern warfare) and the impossibility to create dedicated servers. It could be "digestible" if the game wasn't that much balanced, but not in a good or challenging way, but to easy things.

Not only that, but the maps are a paradise for campers, "prone lovers" and together with the thousands holes, hallways, windows and doors in every map, more the "kill streaks", well, just expect to die a lot. Also, the weapons are powerful than before and without the option to lean, things get complicated.

Maybe it just fall down to my tastes of a great on-line match. Can be fun sometimes, but the lack of support to find good matches can make players go crazy.

Resuming all, Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 is not a bad game, but isn't a great game. I could recommend only if you want to play the single player campaign and see what happens after the first Modern Warfare. Out of this, I would not recommend the multiplayer, mainly if you're a veteran. Just go back to CoD 4 and be happy, or search for another on-line FPS game.