It's like the developers designed this to be a cash-in.

User Rating: 4 | Call of Duty: World at War - Final Fronts PS2
Let's get this out of the way: The PlayStation 2 is dying. With many companies dropping development towards the PS2, there are only a few developers left supporting this aging console, such as EA Sports and WWE. So when you hear that Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts was designed and released exclusively for the PlayStation 2, you expect good things, right? Well, lower your expectations. Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts is a muddled and boring experience that seems more fit as DLC than an actual title. And if the name didn't have "Call of Duty" in it, no one would be paying any attention to it. And rightfully so. Briefly, this game sucks.

Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts is a single-player only experience. There is no co-op or competitive multiplayer, which means you're paying full admission for a solo experience. This may be very surprising to many, given that single-player hasn't been Call of Duty's forte since the original PC titles. So how does the solo experience play. Well, poorly. You follow three soldiers fighting during World War II against the Japanese and the Nazis. You play as a Marine in the Pacific Theater, a British paratrooper fighting in Bastogne and the Rhine River, and as an American soldier also fighting during the Battle of the Bulge. These set pieces may sound great at first, but all three are tedious and uninteresting. 

While fighting in the Pacific theater, you are united with the same characters from World at War, including Sgt. Roebuck and Cpl. Polonsky. You fight on the islands of Guadalcanal, Saipan, and Betio, but none of these experiences are interesting. The enemies are stupid and sometimes will just stand right in front of you, waiting to be shot. The levels do have a Pacific feel, but they aren't well designed. In the European theaters, the same issues arise. Enemies are dumb and the levels aren't particularly interesting. You may think that being a British paratrooper may be interesting, but you never use a parachute. Being an American soldier in Bastogne could be cool, but you only fight in poorly designed and extremely linear urban environments. Your allies are hard to care about, and there isn't even really a story connecting your battlefield excursions. All you do is shoot your way through wave after wave of enemies while you attempt to blow something up. The only unique thing about this game is the flamethrower, which you only use in two missions. Everything else is just a watered down Call of Duty experience with no replay value whatsoever.

The graphics are decent for the PlayStation 2, with some nice lighting effects in some of the Pacific levels. There are also some nice weather effects, such as rain and snow that sort of help immerse you into the experience. However, the graphics may be the only good thing about this game. The music is repetitive and generic, and the sound effects aren't any better, with all of the guns lacking any sense of power. 

Call of Duty: World at War Final Fronts is not worth your money or attention. There are plenty of other great shooters on the PlayStation 2, like the other Call of Duty titles. At least they have a multiplayer component. With dumb enemy AI, no sense of scope, poor level design, repetitive gameplay, and no co-op or multiplayer components, Call of Duty: World at War  Final Fronts isn't just disappointing. It's an embarrassment.