First person action is a great look for the Old West!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood X360
The Great - First person gameplay really puts you in the shoes of the brothers " Three polar opposite brothers make for an interesting story " Ability to play as either brother in most missions adds some depth " Gun duels are extremely fun " Fast paced action throughout " Cutscene graphics feel like a movie " Beautiful guns, and great graphics during duel sequences " Use of focus is great and adds realism " Textured backdrops and atmosphere additions like fog add a lot to feel of story " Certain decisions give some replay value " Online modes are very fun " Thomas McCall's voice acting is very good "

The Moderate - Graphics outside of cutscenes and duels are good, but sometimes they aren't what they could be " Story is borderline " Online community isn't huge "

The Not So Great - Narration by the younger brother is fine, but his voice is somewhat cheesy " Horse riding isn't all it could be " Ray McCall's voice acting is also cheesy "

* I included the moderate because that's what this game includes a lot of.. Moderate. Awesome game, but small things that weren't in full held this game back for critics. The above pretty much explains the game in a nutshell.