A great game to play with all of your friends! Fun for a time but quick to get boring.

User Rating: 8 | Castle Crashers X360
Castle Crashers! What can be said, the game is a great play. Very much more when you play with friends. Loads of weapons, unlockable characters and even more.

With all this you can hardly be bored right? False. The game is fun for the time being and playing with friends but even playing with friends the game can get boring.

After completion, the replay value really lags behind. DLC just barely touches on stuff to do. The game is something you will want to play with friends and beat once and never played again.

Get through the storyline which is all in place. Funny characters and fun stuff to do but after the first playthrough any thought of restarting and replaying are just thrown out of the window.

Other wise I give it an 8 because it is a great game, and although lacking replay value, it is still good for what it is worth.