Catherine Review

User Rating: 8 | Catherine PS3

Catherine is simply fascinating. The story line is top-notch and acts as an interesting study on relationships. It will really hit home for most male players as they progress through the shockingly realistic story. You can play arcade games, talk to the people who come in and out of the bar, chat with the strange bartender named “Boss”, use the restroom, drink different types of drinks and even text people on your cell phone. The cut-scenes are well-done and give the game character and depth. They’re full anime and are very dramatic and entertaining, you will definitely be left wishing there was a Catherine anime show when it’s all said and done.

The pacing is very well done in Catherine. Most time is spent climbing block puzzles, but there are also other game play elements such as being able to hang out at the local bar called “The Stray Sheep” with friends. The game play itself is fantastic. The block puzzles are truly entertaining and extremely thought provoking and difficult, even on the easiest difficulty. You will learn block climbing techniques from the other sheep you encounter in the strange “world” in Vincent’s dreams. You will never grow tired of playing Catherine. Each puzzle is different, always changing from level to level. Some blocks may have spikes, some may crumble and others may be springboards to reach higher blocks. It’s a blast to play through these levels, but beware, some can be very difficult and players may become frustrated, but it’s all worth it in the end.

The music in Catherine is beautiful. A soundtrack even comes with new copies of the game. It’s all high quality instrumentals with violins, pianos and more. The music really sets the tone for each stage in the game, giving it a sense of individuality. The voice acting is all well-done, from the most insignificant characters such as bar-goers to Vincent and Catherine.

Overall, Catherine is a rousing success. It cements its name in gaming history for being a truly unique, one of a kind experience. All gamers should pick it up, regardless of genre preference. Catherine boasts a fantastic story, great pacing, top-notch voice acting, spectacular game play and solid replay value. The main downfall of the game is that it is linear and one dimensional. However, it’s still worth every penny of the $59.99 price tag. Give it a purchase, you will not be disappointed. Catherine is a diamond in a pool of substandard, mediocre shooters flooding the shelves of retail stores.