Catherine is a strange game that presents a great challenge to those looking for a big one.

User Rating: 6.5 | Catherine PS3
I dont even know if I can review Catherine properly due to the fact I had to check youtube videos to beat it on the normal difficulty. Yes, the game is THAT hard! I had the chance to play it due to the free 30 days of PS+ I got with God of War: Ascension so I had to beat it as quick as I could, especially having in mind I had already spent a good number of days beating Okami HD. No other choice but asking for help of youtube videos to beat it before the subscription expired, so sorry for that.
Catherine strongest suits, in my humble opinion, are the story and characters. Presented with an anime style, both successfully manage to entertain the player along the 15h needed to beat the game. In all honesty, it was the only thing that kept me going. The gameplay becomes tedious after a couple of hours and in some cases (before I needed to check on youtube) it got hard as nails to figure out the solutions. Not only that but the somewhat unresponsive controls dont help the case due to some awkward camera angles in later stages and boss fights that completely screw you over at the most inconvenient of times. I dont need to say that the gameplay just wasnt for me. Too much trial and error for me liking. If I hadnt requested the help of youtube I would probably kill myself before finishing Catherine. I mean, I dont have problems with hard games as I've beaten plenty of games on their respective hard difficulties but Catherine is just ridiculous. Not only is hard to figure out the solution but many times the game demands you to figure it out in a matter of seconds wich, to those that crack up easily on preassure (like myself), is just near impossible to do.
Catherine is probably a great game for those sadistics that enjoy more to be punished rather than having "fun" but I'm just not one of those. The story/characters and the interesting theme Catherine deals with were the only highlights of the game for me.