The Melody in my heart

User Rating: 9 | Celeste PS4
It’s only obvious the game is very symbolic and seems to offer more than what it shows. It reflects inner struggle and the perpetual battle between every self and it’s Dark side. The side that harbors all the negative energy and darkest fears, especially the fear of failure that makes every effort to drag us down into the deepest of the deep. The side that can bring the worst in loveliest people turning them into monsters, determined to seek and destroy like (Mr. Oshiro of the celestial resort). The game stresses on facing one’s Dark side not with the intention of sealing in a bottle like a djinnie in some fairy tale But by confronting and embracing the darkness at every step, every time it tries to take form and surface. the game definitely portrays it as the powerful side The hungry beast in us all that can be tamed only with wit and understanding why that dark part exists in the first place... Only by becoming one with the dark, accepting And welcoming it as part us ...will the darkness finally shine out way It’s When we emerge as an evolved being as if reborn when the inner battle seize eventually brining peace on both sides like in a draw, yet with a victory to mankind that will never relinquish this urge to be a better being. I truly felt the ascension at every step of this celestial journey, I danced among the clouds with such determination to steal a piece of the divine only to be whole peace was with own soul at last. The heavenly tunes of Celeste played so softly on the strings of heart .....until I flew betwixt the floating books of the hotel’s library ...swam so effortlessly amidst the high winds ...those delicious melodies kept digging deeper into my soul, erasing all memory as if only this heavenly moment existed forever in mind.