If you like 1st person dungeon crawlers and Japanese aesthetics, this is a game worth playing.

User Rating: 8 | Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. PSP
The 1st person dungeon crawler genre is greatly under appreciated, especially since it dates back to the 1980's, and it's great to see Atlus keeping them alive.

Class of Heroes has a HUGE variety of characters you can create, from 10 races, 15 jobs, 3 alignments, and both genders. Some jobs are limited to certain alignments or genders. You can roll and reroll bonus points to add your character's stats, the most common being 6-10 points, sometimes 16-20, and even as high as 56-60 if you're extremely lucky and patient enough to reroll.

There are 78 maps to explore, however many of them are reused in different dungeon paths. Same format but with a different setting, and the map still counts as being explored from the last time you visited.

You can create your own equipment and items via the school's laboratory, or you can use an alchemist job to do it for you to save gold, if they're a high enough level. My only gripe about the crafting system is that you need to find specific "junk" to make the item (i.e. broken bow, worn shoes) instead of only raw materials, and these junk items pile up in your inventory quickly while you're exploring in dungeons.