Hard as can be and more fun to boot!

User Rating: 9.8 | Close Combat PC
This game was awesome when it first came out. It doesn't look too fancy compared to modern offerings, but back then, I couldn't complain about it.

This game can be really hard and stupid decisions can lead to a total massacre of your own forces.

Basically, you command a few half-squad-size soldier elements either commanding the U.S. or the Germans. The U.S. goal is to advance and take land while the German goal is to hold land and/or slow down the U.S. advance.

It takes a bit of planning to get things a little bit right and lots of patience so that you don't die all the time. This is no Command & Conquer where you just point and click. You must maneuver your forces into position, taking heed of line of sight and cover, and hopefully find a position to lay waste to the opposition. Easier said than done. A lone machine gun emplacement can rip up your guys.

The sound is great for the time and the graphics are ok. I mean, this game came out in 1996, ok? There are some videos to watch before each campaign part and they add some nice history to the game.

Overall, I would say that this game is excellent! If you have an older, slower system and actually have a copy of this game, then have a blast! I tried playing it on Win XP with even an Athlon xp 1600 + and it was not fun to do.