Strategy game....

User Rating: 8.4 | Cossacks: European Wars PC
This is one of my favorite games.Although this is an old game and has cheap graphics its gameplay makes up for it. Graphics: Not to shabby considering its an old game.Any graphics card can support this game so don't worry to much about graphics.Overall for the graphics is a 7.0. Gameplay: The graphics aren't to good but, the gameplay is great.You have a wide variety of units and buildings to choose from.Sending thousands of men into battle on this kind of graphics engine is amazing.Huge fights break out.Ship battles are great also you can have huge ship battles that give the game a different view.Overall for the gameplay is a 9.0. Sound: The sounds pretty good also.The sound of hundreds of musketeers firing makes you feel like your inside the battle...literally.Overall for sound is a 7.0. Value: This game is worth your money unless you hate games like these then don't buy it.Also, try buying the expansion for the game "Art of war" which has more features,units,and countrys to pick from.Overall for Value is 8.0. Overall: "Cossacks" is a great game that is a must have.You will be imersed in this game for hours. So go out and buy it.