Another corporate derivative boring game

User Rating: 5 | Crysis 3 X360
I should have known better. I should have realized that the EA, the herpes of modern gaming, would not produce a creative interesting game. But, I thought.."It's should be ok." I was wrong. 10 minutes into the game and I'm stifling a yawn. So...somehow, I'm prophet...despite shooting myself in the head in Crysis 2. How I'm prophet is not explained. Why I'm on a dock with Psycho is not explained. Why I have to gain access to the Cell facility is not explained. It's just run shoot, run shoot..oh look a cool bow...generic enemies...Yes..the COD cancer oozes into Crysis..just like the EA bastardized Dead Space 3. After playing the FANTASTIC Bioshock Infinite, I just couldn't stomach playing this POS. Even the graphics were not that great. I guess
i'll wait for The Last of Us.