this is how a series is spoiled . crysis 3 disappoints .

User Rating: 5 | Crysis 3 PS3
Crysis 3 is the most disappointing game i have played this year . i thought that like it previous installments it must be good . but when i got to play it , i was just so shocked this is an below average game . multiplayer is fine .but single player is going to disappoint you . you can complete the game in less than 5 hours . because you can easliy pass through any area in this game without fighting & just by using clock mode and the predator bow . the story is also booring and you will have no interest . the graphics are great . this is the only plus point i can tell you.. nanosuit upgrade are also okay types . the voice acting is good because you only hear very few people . crysis 3 is no-buy .
crytek just want to show there graphic capabilty .

great graphics
fine multiplayer

weak story
single player campaign is just 5 hours long
weak sound effect as compared to crysis 2 music
dont buy it

CRYSIS 3 disappoints .